Mother Teresa
With the natural law of polarity, women are incredibly influential. When a woman works with polarity she can stop feeling so disempowered by the conditioning she has been subjected to, and finally sense into the true depth and strength of her incredibly receptive force. When a woman realises her true power, she stops seeing the world as women helplessly “disempowered by men” and can finally sense into the wonder of her true feminine body and mind and delight in her wondrous pleasure, incredible creativity, stoic strength and deep beauty, to name just a few feminine ways...
The feminine "ways" not only make you as a woman incredibly influential, but also help you to become more relaxed, more joyful, more healthy and in your Divine feminine flow, especially with the opposite sex. When you surrender more into your innate feminine force, this energy will nourish and support you. It will even strengthen you. It can bring more health to your feminine body and mind - and because of the magic of polarity and how this law works - enable your man to step up more into his Divine masculine. This can fan the flames of intimacy and passion for you both. Everyone's a winner when we embrace and support polarity!
Do you feel you might be caught in your inner masculine? Its very common in this culture as woman often have to provide as well, which suppresses the feminine and drains it. Signs of this are exhaustion, resentment, bitterness or feeling defensive. Resenting or even hating your husband or finding yourself competing with him are also signs that the polarity in your relationship has "flattened". As you become more fiery and masculine, he sinks into the feelings in the mud and mire of the feminine, and he will feel and behave as if he is "useless". He has his own work to do for sure, but a woman is in a more powerful place to adjust the polarity due to the scales being tipped in favour of the feminine on this planet. This means it is possible to use your feminine energy for good and enable things to shift, just by being more feminine! Don't take my word for it though. Begin experimenting and exploring and you will find out for yourself!
Whatever your age and whatever the state of your relationship, making a decision to explore your feminine energy can help you no end! When you "get" polarity and really begin to experiment with it, this can create a seismic shift within your self and your relationship and transform how you see the world. Polarity underpins everything and the more you get to see this within you and your relationship, the more wonderful and excited you will feel and more possibilities open up. More and more you will see the truth about the feminine and the masculine and what he brings to the table, which for sure, is something completely and utterly different to what you bring!
Three decades of therapeutic knowledge and experience underpins this vital work exploring the true depth and magnitude of the feminine and how women in particular need to embrace this now.
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