Shane Parrish
According to the ancient teachings of Tantra, if you are a man, you have incarnated as a representative of the masculine force of creation and it is your responsibility to become the best version of masculinity that you can be. This is in spite of your age, your upbringing and in spite of what other experiences you have had that have caused you to behave in certain ways or to believe negative things about masculinity.
From this point on, I invite you to begin a journey of perfecting and honing your energy in order to become the most magnificent male specimen that you can be!
Understand fire and you understand yourself.
The fire element is simple to understand. What you see is what you get. There are no secrets with fire. And like the sun itself, it “does what it says on the tin”. Simple. Really good at doing the one thing (at a time) and lighting up the world with its dominating presence, shining light into the darkest of places and igniting our minds. Yes. Fire and its light dominates. All men have to learn to master their use of dominance to get the most out of life. And there has been a lot of programming about dominance not being good. But if you didn’t dominate the lawn mower, the grass would not get cut and if you did not dominate the circular saw – you are not safe to use the circular saw. Mastering of dominance is good!
Fire likes to take action. It likes to DO something. Just as it likes to burn through a log, it likes to burn through a project. Fire likes to engage in things and accomplish things. Its bright and warming and hot. Mixed with water (the feminine) it creates steam and passion.
Much has happened over the centuries to dampen the spirit of masculinity, but you must fight this. For this is the positive aspect of the masculine. To fight the good fight; to protect what is pure. As I heard somewhere “being willing to be dangerous”; to protect what is beautiful and good and wholesome is one of the many gifts of the masculine.
Without the fiery sun of the masculine, we would be in darkness. The earth (feminine principle) needs the sun. She would die without it. And just as the world needs the fiery sun, the world needs your fire too, your masculine fire. This is why you are here – to add your masculinity to the world.
You are hard-wired to serve the feminine. Your woman may not know this. Women have been conditioned to not realise this. But this is another truth that is vital to comprehend. This is why, if you have a woman in your life, you need her to be clear about what she needs. To be clear is masculine power and not a feminine way. But you can help her. You can, with warmth and appreciation in your heart, invite her to be clearer, so you can serve her better :)
The masculine is like the sun shining out there in the world, radiant and visible. To increase the charge of the masculine it's all about doing what you have always wanted to do and getting out there doing it. It is about action not words. Giving your woman the chance to long for you and then making her life exciting when you are with her is a damn good start. Taking the risks involved to become the best version of you. Women do this too of course, but as a man, in order to find the best woman, and in order to keep this best woman excited in you, you must do this for sure and keep doing this. If you are a happily married man but the marriage is sexless or you find yourself having to chase her for sex, then you have work to do for sure and Arthur at polarityperfect on 'X' can point you in the right direction.
And generally you can stand up more in life and take pride in your masculinity. If you do weights and eat well, this will charge up your fire further and will help you hone your masculinity and sharpen your edge to become the man you were born to be. Meanwhile thank you for your masculinity, for being the warm, protective, instinctive, sharp thinking, problem solving, powerful, and profoundly clear being that you are.
This will immediately expand your masculine force;
If everything worked out... if everything went according to plan... what would your life look like in three years time?
Envision it.
Go there in your mind.
Get into the vision and smell it. Sense it with your masculine senses.
Where are you living? What area is it in and who are you living with? Describe the house in detail. Write it down. Do you envision a games room? Koi carp pond? A motorbike? Envision what you have always wanted as this is you connecting with your soul.
And what are you doing to earn income? detail it out. How much are you earning? You might want to double or treble this in your vision as the masculine is about freedom and expansion and so you want to be abundant as this will expand you.
And what is your health like? How are you feeling in your vision if your health and well-being is 100% better than it is. Describe how it feels and write this down.
And what are you doing in your spare time? What part of the world are you visiting and who with? Be as specific as you can. Where would you be dining?
You might want to spend a while in this vision as doing this increases your vibe and actually aligns you with it.
I encourage you to then take one step every day towards this vision. Go for it. Push through the fears and make it happen. The courage and determination will expand your masculine force even further. The world needs this and the world needs you. Doing this as part of building your masculine energy will help transform the sexual chemistry with your woman.
Explores the true depth and magnitude of the Divine Feminine and how women in particular need to embrace this now.
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