Polarity Transformation
Using the natural law of polarity to heal yourself and transform your relationship
Polarity Transformation
Using the natural law of polarity to heal yourself and transform your relationship
Using the natural law of polarity to heal yourself and transform your relationship
Using the natural law of polarity to heal yourself and transform your relationship
As weft is to warp, the feminine and masculine principles are the sacred strands of your being. We are each intricately woven into existence by these two opposing forces...
Having difficulty in your relationship? Maybe you feel unhappy in yourself and seek to know yourself more deeply? Polarity consciousness and understanding the natural law of polarity can help with all this and so much more.
My name is Catherine Stone and I have been working with polarity in myself and with others for thirty years.
Polarity is the natural law of opposites - how everything in this universe has polarity within it or is part of polarity. Up and down, in and out, birth and death, going out and returning, beginning and ending and so on...
Everything contains polarity.
Even you and me.
We can use the law of polarity to help ourselves to feel more joy and pleasure, be more empowered and to help our relationships to flourish.
When we understand polarity, its like finding a key to unlock a door to a new level of understanding and clarity. We understand our self more and we can understand our partner more and we can understand EVERYTHING more!
Its simple.
Its good.
And can be mind-blowing!
"Well... You may say, "...if its so amazing then how come we haven't been told about it in school? Well, that is a good question indeed and one we all have to find the answer to - like so much treasure, we have to explore to find it as its not handed to us on a plate. Even what I have written here will have to be explored by you yourself in order to verify it or validate it. I'm just giving you a map reference.
The positive and negative terms are not as in "good" or bad" but as in electricity; where the two wires of differing charges make a bulb light up.
Neither of these forces is ever alone. One force cannot exist without the other. If "up" was not a thing then "down" would not exist as there would be nothing to compare it to. And neither is one force better than the other. Both have light and dark qualities. Both have "good" and "bad" aspects. Fire is illuminating and warming and also burns. Water is cleansing and healing and also hides stuff and we can drown in it.
This is known as the polarity principle; that two forces always come from a neutral field.
We see this triune motion in the humble battery and bulb set-up. The battery here would be the neutral field and when two wires of opposing forces; one + and one - are connected the bulb lights up. We also see it on a larger scale with the sea being a neutral source; where water condenses upwards, forms clouds and then then rain falls and makes its way back to the sea in rivers. We could also look at birth/life/death/re-incarnation in the same way.
Simple and yet cosmic :-)
Just as polarity exists in everything in the universe, so does neutrality. The energy of the battery is within the wires and the light, the sea is within the rain and the rivers and our soul is in our birth/life/death/reincarnation.
Neutrality is right there with the two forces of polarity in every moment and in every thing. On a biggest scale The Great Neutral Field itself has been named many things by different cultures; the Source, Tao, God, Spirit, Yaweh... and doesn't seem to be male or female at all.
When we consider the neutral, the two lists above of polar opposites become the list below and there can be much conversation here!
The middle/the whole/centre
the universe
the whole
The Source/God
We can see how when we come from this place - of centred neutrality - we move to a place of balance, of life giving and life affirming fulfillment ...
But even in this neutral place, the polarity is there within it; reciprocity contains both giving and receiving. Dawn and dusk contain both day and night and life contains both birth and death/re-birth. The three principles; neutral, negative and positive all live together, co-existing in any moment in the Great Creation of Life.
What has all this got to do with me and my relationship? Everything. And its to do with trauma.
Trauma disrupts polarity.
To get the polarity back into balance, we sometimes need a bit of help.
If we are stuck in giving we cant receive fully and if we are stuck in action we cant relax. If we are frozen we cant feel empowered. If a woman is caught in her masculine, she cant truly feel her flow or the fullness and delight of her pleasure and if a man is caught in his feminine he cant truly feel his power and have full confidence and mastery of his life. If the polarity is disrupted between a man and a woman then their will be no spark. When we gently and wisely attend to the trauma, and release it, we have more choices and the polarity naturally returns within us and within our relationship.
All three principles; feminine, masculine and neutral, are within all of us whether we are female or male.
I've set up this website to introduce polarity and show a little about how we can use this natural law to create more dynamism and more peace in our life and in our relationships.
When we learn how to work with the three principles of creation, we can become master of our own life. We can learn when to fire ourselves up and expand (positive force/masculine principle) and when to surrender and receive (negative force/feminine principle) and when to simply observe and bring in love (neutral/God Principle).
When we work with polarity we really are at the cutting-edge of creation and have the potential to be very powerful indeed.
Click on the next page - The Polarity Principle - for more information on the expression of the Principles within us and how we can further utilize polarity to heal our self and add zing to our relationship >>>>>
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